The use of multiple choice tests in Law

Kim Marshall
University of Westminster

The numbers entering higher education in the UK have grown dramatically over the last few years. The paper will evaluate the success in using multiple choice tests (MCT) to support student learning on the law degree at the University of Westminster. Law is a subject which does not encourage the use of MCTs as a type of summative assessment as it is difficult to set up questions that test the application of the law. However, MCTs are very useful for testing knowledge on a formative basis.

The numbers of students studying the law of contract, a foundation subject, have grown from a cohort of about 200 students in 2000/2001 to a cohort of 450 students in 2005/2006. The summative assessment regime has remained constant in that it is composed of an essay worth 30% of the final mark and a closed book examination worth 70%. It has been noted that students were failing in the exam usually because although they absorbed the basic rules of law, they had not learnt or understood enough basic case law. Formative assessment has been embedded in the module to endeavour to remedy the fall in pass rates. In addition to a 'mock exam' a formative test was introduced mid way through the first semester (the midsessional) in order to identify those students whose understanding of the topic was questionable. Initially this was taken as a paper MCT, but with the introduction of the Blackboard learning system, the test was moved to an online format. This was done to ease the marking burden on staff and also to ensure that tutorial time was not lost. The informal feedback on the midsessional tests suggested that the students wanted further tests to use in their revision. In 2005 three more short MCTs were introduced on popular exam topics. There was a correlation between those students who attempted the tests and those students who were successful in the exam. The average mark obtained on the module improved by over 2% and the number of failures decreased.

The tests have been repeated again in 2006 and the data will be analysed to ascertain whether the pass rates are being affected by the use of the tests. If time permits, a random sample of students will be surveyed to find out why they chose to take the tests or decided not to use them. Whether there is any correlation between the mode of study and the use of the tests will also be looked at. The paper will consider the method by which the tests have been made available and whether this is a suitable format for all students. Whether there is further scope for introducing more tests will be considered given the student feedback and also the time involved in setting up and administering the tests.